Erel Segal-Halevi - Academic Homepage

I am an associate professor in Ariel university, computer science department. My main research goal is to develop algorithms for making human society better and fairer. In particular, I develop fair division algorithms and truthful auction mechanisms.

In the past I did research in natural language processing - English negotiation and Hebrew morphology. The inspiration to research these diverse topics comes from the Bible.

I am looking for students for M.Sc., Ph.D. and post-doc positions for the research program fair division: from theory to practice and similar topics. The requirements are: (1) an aspiration for making the world better, (2) creative imagination, and (3) excellent mathematical skills. Both Israeli and international students are welcome. Stipends are available for excellent students.

For other open questions I find particularly interesting, see my wishlist.

I served as PC member in IJCAI (2018-2021, last year as SPC), AAAI (2019-2021), AAMAS (2019-2021), AAMAS-DC (2025), EC (2021), COMSOC (2023), IJCAI-CFD-workshop (2023-2024), ECAI (2023-2025, as SPC), and have reviewed for various journals, as well as for the NSF.

In addition to research, I have many years of experience [programming in various languages][6].

My wife and I on the Temple Mount, 2017-07-27