For Hebrew publications click here.

Publications and working papers

  1. [working] "Evacuate and Rebuild - Avoiding Envy in Urban Renewal": Noga Klein Elmalem, Rica Gonen, Erel Segal-Halevi.      In preparation. → Presentation
  2. [working] "It's Not All Black and White - Degree of Truthfulness for Risk-Avoiding Agents": Eden R. Hartman, Erel Segal-Halevi, Biaoshuai Tao.      In preparation.
  3. [working] "Whoever Said Money Won't Solve All Your Problems? Weighted Envy-free Allocation with Subsidy": Noga Klein Elmalem, Haris Aziz, Rica Gonen, Xin Huang, Kei Kimura, Indrajit Saha, Erel Segal-Halevi, Zhaohong Sun, Mashbat Suzuki, Makoto Yokoo.      arXiv 2025.
  4. [conference+] "Improved Maximin Share Approximations for Chores by Bin Packing": Jugal Garg and Xin Huang and Erel Segal-Halevi.      AAAI 2025 and arXiv 2024.
  5. [conference+] "Reducing Leximin Fairness to Utilitarian Optimization": Eden R. Hartman and Yonatan Aumann and Avinatan Hassidim and Erel Segal-Halevi.      AAAI 2025 and arXiv 2024. → Presentation
  6. [journal] "Dividing a Graphical Cake": Xiaohui Bei, Edith Elkind, Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2025, 39:1.
  7. [conference+] "Number Partitioning with Splitting": Samuel Bismuth, Vladislav Makarov, Erel Segal-Halevi, Dana Shapira.      ISAAC 2024 (accepted) and arXiv 2022.
  8. [conference+] "K-times Bin-packing and Its Application to Fair Electricity Distribution": Dinesh Kumar Baghel and Alex Ravsky and Erel Segal-Halevi.      SAGT 2024, 483–500 and arXiv 2023-2024.
  9. [conference+] "Fair Division with Bounded Sharing - Binary and Non-degenerate Valuations": Samuel Bismuth and Ivan Bliznets and Erel Segal-Halevi.      SAGT 2024, 89–107 and arXiv 2019–2024.
  10. [conference+] "On Connected Strongly-Proportional Cake-Cutting": Zsuzsanna Jankó, Attila Joó, Erel Segal-Halevi, Sheung Man Yuen.      ECAI 2024 (accepted) and arXiv 2023-2024.
  11. [conference+] "Optimal Budget Aggregation with Single-Peaked Preferences": Felix Brandt and Matthias Greger and Erel Segal-Halevi and Warut Suksompong.      [EC 2024]( and arXiv 2024.
  12. [conference+] "Leximin Approximation - from Single-Objective to Multi-Objective": Eden R. Hartman and Yonatan Aumann and Avinatan Hassidim and Erel Segal-Halevi.      ECAI 2023 and arXiv 2023. NOTE: there is a mistake in Section 5 (the applications). Please see our AAAI 2025 paper for details.
  13. [journal] "Ascending-Price Mechanism for General Multi-sided Markets ": Dvir Gilor, Rica Gonen, Erel Segal-Halevi.      Accepted to Artificial Intelligence 2023. Proceedings of EuMAS 2021.
  14. [journal] "On Maximum Bipartite Matching with Separation": Pasin Manurangsi, Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      Information Processing Letters 2023, 182(106388) and arXiv 2023.
  15. [journal] "Keep Your Distance - Land Division With Separation": Edith Elkind, Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      Computational Geometry 2023, 113(102006). Preliminary versions: IJCAI 2021 (distinguished paper award), AI Hub, and arXiv 2023. → Presentation
  16. [conference+] "Efficient Nearly-Fair Division with Capacity Constraints": Hila Shoshan, Erel Segal-Halevi, Noam Hazon.      AAMAS 2023:206-214 and arXiv 2022.
  17. [journal] "On Fair Division under Heterogeneous Matroid Constraints": Amitay Dror, Michal Feldman, Erel Segal-Halevi.      Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 2023. Preliminary versions: AAAI 2021 and arXiv 2022. → Presentation
  18. [conference+] "Balanced Donor Coordination": Felix Brandt and Matthias Greger and Erel Segal-Halevi and Warut Suksompong.      EC 2023 and arXiv 2023.
  19. [conference+] "A Reduction from Chores Allocation to Job Scheduling": Xin Huang and Erel Segal-Halevi.      EC 2023 and arXiv 2023.
  20. [journal] "Fairness for Multi-Self Agents": Sophie Bade and Erel Segal-Halevi.      Games and Economic Behavior 2023 and arXiv 2022.
  21. [journal] "Mind the Gap - Cake Cutting With Separation": Edith Elkind, Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      Artificial Intelligence 2022, 313(103783) and AAAI 2021 and arXiv 2020. → Presentation
  22. [journal] "Fractionally balanced hypergraphs and rainbow KKM theorems": Ron Aharoni, Eli Berger, Joseph Briggs, Erel Segal-Halevi, Shira Zerbib.      Combinatorica 2022 and arXiv 2020. → Presentation
  23. [journal] "Computing Welfare-Maximizing Fair Allocations of Indivisible Goods": Haris Aziz, Xin Huang, Nicholas Mattei, Erel Segal-Halevi.      European Journal of Operations Research 2022 and arXiv 2022.
  24. [journal] "Obvious manipulations in cake-cutting": Josué Ortega and Erel Segal-Halevi.      Social Choice and Welfare 2022, 59(4): 969–-988 and arXiv 2019.
  25. [journal] "Efficient Fair Division with Minimal Sharing": Fedor Sandomirskiy and Erel Segal-Halevi.      Operations Research 2022, 70(3): 1762–1782 and arXiv 2022. → Presentation
  26. [working] "Fair Division Algorithms for Electricity Distribution": Dinesh Kumar Baghel and Vadim E. Levitt and Erel Segal-Halevi.      Research proposal. COMSOC seminar talk. → Presentation
  27. [journal] "Ordinal Maximin Share Approximation for Goods": Hadi Hosseini, Andrew Searns, Erel Segal-Halevi.      Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 2022 and arXiv 2021. In the news
  28. [conference+] "Ordinal Maximin Share Approximation for Chores": Hadi Hosseini, Andrew Searns, Erel Segal-Halevi.      AAMAS 2022 and arXiv 2022. In the news
  29. [journal] "Generalized Rental Harmony": Erel Segal-Halevi.      American Mathematical Monthly 2022, 129:5 403–414 and arXiv 2020. → Presentation
  30. [journal] "One person, one weight: when is weighted voting democratic? ": Roy Baharad, Shmuel Nitzan, Erel Segal-Halevi.      Social Choice and Welfare 2022.
  31. [journal] "Envy-Free Matchings in Bipartite Graphs and their Applications to Fair Division": Elad Aigner-Horev and Erel Segal-Halevi.      arXiv 2022 (the published version in Information Sciences 2022, 587:164–187 contains typographic errors - please read the arXiv version). → Presentation
  32. [journal] "Redividing the Cake": Erel Segal-Halevi.      JAAMAS 2022, 36:14 and arXiv 2021 and IJCAI 2018. → Presentation
  33. [journal] "Fair Cake Cutting in Practice (in the lab)": Josue Ortega and Maria Kyropoulou and Erel Segal-Halevi.      Games and Economic Behaviour 2022, 133:28–49. Preliminary versions in EC 2019 and arXiv 2019.
  34. [journal] "Weighted Fairness Notions for Indivisible Items Revisited": Mithun Chakraborty, Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      AAAI 2022 and arXiv 2021 and TEAC 2024 12:3:9 1–45. → Presentation
  35. [journal] "Cutting a Cake Fairly for Groups Revisited": Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      American Mathematical Monthly 2022, 130:203–213.
  36. [journal] "Strongly Budget Balanced Auctions for Multi-Sided Markets ": Dvir Gilor, Rica Gonen, Erel Segal-Halevi.      Artificial Intelligence 2021. Previous versions: AAAI 2020 and arXiv 2019.
  37. [working] "On Monotonicity of Number-Partitioning Algorithms": Erel Segal-Halevi.      arXiv 2021 preprint contains some nice results, but many more open questions.
  38. [journal] "Fair Cake-Cutting Algorithms with Real Land-Value Data": Itay Shtechman and Rica Gonen and Erel Segal-Halevi.      JAAMAS 2021, 35:39. There is also a 2-page extended abstract.
  39. [conference+] "Graphical Cake Cutting via Maximin Share": Edith Elkind, Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      IJCAI 2021 and arXiv 2021. → Presentation
  40. [conference-] "A Global Multi-Sided Market with Ascending-Price Mechanism ": Rica Gonen, Erel Segal-Halevi.      AAMAS 2021, pages 1515–1516 (extended abstract).
  41. [journal] "Fair Multi-Cake Cutting (Previously called "Fair Division of an Archipelago")": Erel Segal-Halevi.      Discrete Applied Mathematics 2021, 291:15–35 and arXiv 2020 (32 pages).
  42. [journal] "How to Cut a Cake Fairly - A Generalization to Groups": Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      American Mathematical Monthly 2021, 128:79–83 and arXiv 2020 (5 pages).
  43. [journal] "Obtaining Costly Unverifiable Valuations from a Single Agent (aka Making an Appraiser Work for You) ": Erel Segal-Halevi, Shani Alkoby, Tomer Sharbaf and David Sarne.      Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 2020, 34(2):1–25. Preliminary versions: AAMAS 2019 and arXiv 2019.
  44. [journal] "Envy-Free Division of Land": Erel Segal-Halevi, Shmuel Nitzan, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann.      Mathematics of Operations Research 2020, 45(3):896–922 and arXiv 2019 (42 pages). Preliminary version: AAAI 2015 (8 pages). → Presentation
  45. [journal] "Fair Allocation based on Diminishing Differences": Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Haris Aziz.      Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 2020, 67:471–507. Preliminary versions: IJCAI 2017 pages 1254-1261 and arXiv 2019.
  46. [journal] "Competitive Equilibrium For almost All Incomes - Existence and Fairness": Erel Segal-Halevi.      Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 2020, 34(26):1–50. Preliminary versions: AAMAS 2018 and arXiv 2020. → Presentation
  47. [working] "The Maximin Share Dominance Relation": Erel Segal-Halevi.      Working paper with open questions. arXiv 2019.
  48. [journal] "Democratic Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods": Erel Segal-Halevi, Warut Suksompong.      Artificial Intelligence 2019, 277(103167) and arXiv 2019. Preliminary version: IJCAI 2018.
  49. [journal] "Cake-Cutting with Different Entitlements -- How Many Cuts are Needed?": Erel Segal-Halevi.      Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2019, 123382 and arXiv 2019.
  50. [journal] "Fair Cake-cutting among Families": Erel Segal-Halevi, Shmuel Nitzan.      Social Choice and Welfare 2019, 53(4):709–740 and arXiv 2019. → Presentation
  51. [journal] "Counting Blanks in Polygonal Arrangements (Previously called "Cutting a Cake without Harming the Toppings").": Arseniy Akopyan, Erel Segal-Halevi.      SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2018, 32(3):2242–-2257 and arXiv 2018.
  52. [journal] "Resource-monotonicity and Population-monotonicity in Connected Cake-cutting": Erel Segal-Halevi, Balázs Sziklai.      Mathematical Social Sciences 2018, 95:19–30. Preliminary version: arXiv 2017.
  53. [conference+] "Double Auctions in Markets for Multiple Kinds of Goods ": Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann.      IJCAI 2018 and arXiv 2018. → Presentation
  54. [journal] "Monotonicity and Competitive Equilibrium in Cake-cutting": Erel Segal-Halevi, Balázs Sziklai.      Economic Theory 2018, 68(2):363–401. Preliminary version: arXiv 2018. → Presentation
  55. [working] "Concentration Inequalities for Random Sets": Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim.      Working paper.
  56. [working] "Truthful Bilateral Trade is Impossible even with Fixed Prices ": Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim.      Working paper
  57. [conference+] "MUDA: a Truthful Multi Unit Double Auction Mechanism ": Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann.      AAAI 2018 and arXiv 2018. → Presentation
  58. [journal] "Flexible level-1 consensus ensuring stable social choice: analysis and algorithms ": Mor Nitzan, Shmuel Nitzan, Erel Segal-Halevi.      Social Choice and Welfare 2017, 50(3):457–479. Preliminary version: arXiv 2017.
  59. [conference-] "How to Charge Lightning ": Simina Branzei, Erel Segal-Halevi, Aviv Zohar.      Presented at Scaling Bitcoin 2017 and in Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (2022). Working paper. → Presentation
  60. [book] "Fair Division of Land (Ph.D. Thesis)": Erel Segal-Halevi (supervised by Yonatan Aumann and Avinatan Hassidim).      Submitted version. → Presentation
  61. [conference+] "Fairly Dividing a Cake after Some Parts were Burnt in the Oven": Erel Segal-Halevi.      AAMAS 2018 and arXiv 2018. → Presentation
  62. [journal] "Fair and Square - Cake-Cutting in Two Dimensions": Erel Segal-Halevi, Shmuel Nitzan, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann.      Journal of Mathematical Economics 2017, 70:1–28. Preliminary versions: EuroCG 2016 (4 pages) and arXiv 2016 (54 pages). → Live demo → Presentation
  63. [working] "Repeated Games with Risk Averse Players": Yonatan Aumann and Erel Segal-Halevi.      Working paper.
  64. [journal] "Demand-Flow of Agents with Gross-Substitute Valuations ": Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann.      Operations Research Letters 2016, pages 757-760.     Full version
  65. [conference+] "SBBA: a Strongly-Budget-Balanced Double-Auction Mechanism ": Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann.      In International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2016, pages 260-272. Full version (14 pages). → Presentation
  66. [journal] "Waste Makes Haste - Bounded Time Protocols for Envy-Free Cake Cutting with Free Disposal": Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann.      ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2016, 12:1–32. Preliminary versions: AAMAS 2015 and arXiv 2016. → Presentation
  67. [working-old] "A Tradeoff between Fairness and Efficiency in Cake-cutting": Erel Segal-Halevi.      Working paper contains some initial ideas (13 pages); collaborators are welcome.
  68. [journal] "NegoChat-A - a chat-based negotiation agent with bounded rationality": Avi Rosenfeld, Inon Zuckerman, Erel Segal-Halevi, Osnat Drein, Sarit Kraus.      Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Journal, 2016, pages 60-81.
  69. [journal] "First Steps in Chat-Based Negotiating Agents": Inon Zuckerman, Erel Segal-Halevi, Avi Rosenfeld, Sarit Kraus.      Next Frontier in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation, 2015, pages 89-109.
  70. [conference+] "PLIS: a Probabilistic Lexical Inference System ": Eyal Shnarch, Erel Segal-haLevi, Jacob Goldberger, Ido Dagan.      Published in ACL 2013 conference (6 pages)
  71. [conference-] "Dialog Natural Language Understanding using a Generic Textual Inference System": Erel Segal-Halevi, Ido Dagan.      Presented in ACLP speech processing conference 2013 (5 pages)
  72. [patent] "Calculating Connectivity, Social Proximity and Trust Level between Web Users": Tuvia Rosenthal, Erel Segal-Halevi, Erez Segal.      US Patent 20100010826
  73. [conference+] "A Corpus Based Morphological Analyzer for Unvocalized Modern Hebrew": Alon Itai, Erel Segal-Halevi.      Published in Proceedings of Machine Translation for Semitic Languages: Issues and Approaches, Workshop at MT Summit IX (MT-SUMMIT-IX) 2003 (8 pages)